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More fact about Solar Energy


Considering solar energy facts and information is very important and paramount as knowing this will help us understand the advantages and benefits of using solar energy for daily use.

It is well known that the consumption of non-renewable sources like oil, gas, and coal is increasing. The time has finally come to look at some other renewable sources of energy such as the solar energy. Although many countries have started leveraging on the use of solar energy, they still have a long way to exploit this energy to fulfill their daily demand for energy. Here are a few facts on renewable solar energy that can help you assess the potential of solar energy to meet global requirements ranging from the basic to the less widely known.


Solar energy simply refers to energy gotten from the sun. The sun has produced energy for billions of years. It is the most important source of energy for life forms. It is a renewable source of energy to generate electricity.


The main benefit of solar energy is that it does not produce any pollutants and is one of the cleanest sources of energy. It is a renewable source of energy which requires low maintenance and is easy to install. The only limitation that solar energy possesses is that it cannot be used at night and the amount of sunlight that is received on earth depends on location, time of day, time of year, and weather conditions.


Fact 1: Solar energy is completely a free source of energy and it’s found in abundance. Though the sun is 90 million miles from the earth, it takes less than 10 minutes for light to travel down to earth.

Fact 2: Solar energy which comprises of radiant heat and light from the sun can be harnessed with some modern technology like photovoltaic, solar heating, artificial photosynthesis, solar architecture and solar thermal electricity.

Fact 3: The solar technology can be distinguished into active and passive. Photovoltaic panels which harness solar energy are an example of active solar technology. Passive technology includes constructing rooms to improve air circulation, orienting space to favorably use sunlight.

Fact 4: The water cycle is an important result of solar insulation. The earth, oceans, and atmosphere absorb solar radiation and their temperature rises. Warm air rises from the oceans causing convection. When this air rises to high altitudes, clouds are created by condensation of water vapor. These clouds cause rains that bring water back to the earth’s surface which completes the water cycle.

Fact 6: Solar energy has also another use. By means of photosynthesis, solar energy is converted by green plants into chemical energy which creates the biomass that makes up the fossil fuels.

Fact 7: Horticulture and agriculture seek to make the maximum use of solar energy. These include techniques like the timing of planting cycles and mixing of plant varieties. Greenhouses are also used to convert light into heat to promote year-round cultivation of special crops.

Fact 8: Solar powered hot water systems utilize solar energy to heat water. In certain areas, 60 to 70% of water used domestically for temperatures as high as 60 degree Celsius can be made available by solar heating.

Fact 9: Clothes can be dried in the sun using clothes lines, cloth racks etc.

Fact 10: Food can be cooked, dried or pasteurized using solar energy.

Fact 11: Solar power is the most exciting use of solar energy. It is how solar energy is converted into electricity by using either photo-voltaic (direct method) or concentrated solar power (Indirect). Large beams of sunlight are focused into a small beam using mirrors or lenses in the case of concentrated solar power. The photoelectric effect is used by Photovoltaic to convert solar energy into electric energy.

Fact 12: The oil crisis of 1970 revealed the delicate nature of fossil fuels as a source of energy for the world. As such research in an alternative, renewable energy technology like that of solar and wind energy gained momentum.

Fact 13: Solar energy is being recognized as the future of alternative energy sources as it is non-polluting and helps combat the Greenhouse effect on global climate created by use of fossils fuels.

Fact 14: Common domestic use of solar energy is from solar panels which absorb solar energy to use for cooking and heating water.

Fact 15: Solar energy produces no pollution, has no environmental effects and is ecologically acceptable.

Fact 16: Solar energy is one of the most widely used renewable sources of energy. One can use renewable energy technologies to convert solar energy into electricity.

Fact 17: Solar energy is a very reliable source of energy.

Fact 18: Solar energy could prove to be the major source of renewable energy because of its massive potential and long-term advantages.

Fact 19: Solar power can significantly reduce the electricity bills. Moreover, there are many tax incentives and rebate programs designed to spur the use of solar and save homeowners money at the same time.

Fact 20: Solar power is noise pollution free. It has no moving parts and does not require any additional fuel, other than sunlight, to produce power.

Fact 21: By relying on battery backup, solar energy can even provide electricity 24×7, even on cloudy days and at night.

Fact 22: Large investment is one the primary reason why solar energy is still not used by many people all over the world.

Fact 23: Solar energy is used in many applications including Electricity, Evaporation, Biomass, Heating water and buildings and even for transport.

Fact 24: Solar panels are virtually maintenance free since the batteries require no water or other regular service and will last for years. Once, solar panels are installed, there are no recurring costs.

Fact 25: The sun is also the main source of non-renewable fossil fuels (coal, gas, and petroleum) which began life as plants and animals millions of years ago.

With all these facts, hopefully, the basic information about Solar Energy would have become more clearer to you as a reader.


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