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Know More About Your Solar System


A watt is a unit of power, and power is the rate at which energy is produced, implemented or consumed. Watts are a measure of electrical flow from one device to another.

Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

Photovoltaic (PV) devices, such as solar panels, take sunlight and turn it into electricity that you can use in your home. It was made from silicon, a material derived from sand that is naturally photovoltaic.

Solar Cell

A solar cell is a device that converts sunlight into electricity using certain materials with semiconducting properties, like silicon. These materials use the “photovoltaic effect.” That means that when light hits a material like silicon, it knocks tiny electrons loose; when those electrons start to flow, that produces electricity.

Solar Inverters

A solar inverter converts the electricity from your solar panels into power that can be used by the plugs in your house for your TV, computer, and other wired products. Panels can’t create AC power by themselves; they need the helping hand of a solar inverter.
Types of Solar Panels

Monocrystalline Silicon (Single Silicon)

Right now, these are the most efficient types of solar panels. When sunlight hits these panels, more of it turns into electricity than the other types below. You can tell if you have a monocrystalline solar panel by its square-ish cells.

BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics)

BIPV’s can look like real roofing tiles (solar shingles are an example). However, they’re less efficient than conventional photovoltaics, which means you need a sunny spacious roof to make a dent in your electric bill. Finally, they may not last as long as regular panels.

Solar Thermal Panels

Solar thermal panels don’t technically deal with electricity directly. Instead, they concentrate the energy in thermal storage systems, and they’re used to heat things up. So, instead of paying the gas company to heat your hot water tank, solar thermal panels produce hot water for your home and/or your pool. Some systems can even provide heat and air conditioning.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are devices that turn sunlight into electricity. They’re made up of many smaller solar cells connected together; each cell generates electricity when sunlight hits it, and then that power flows into an inverter and finally into your house. Because each panel only creates a certain amount of energy, solar panels are typically grouped together into an array.


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